Distribution transformer station 110 kV Plave

Staro stikališče, zgrajeno leta 1975, je bilo zaradi dotrajanosti potrebno prenoviti v celoti. 

Distribution transformer station 110 kV Plave

Within the construction of the switching room of the distribution transformer station 110 kV Plave, we plan a construction of a new telecommunication room and a new telecommunication hub with all equipment for the needs of the ELES company. Distribution transformer station Plave is a hub point of northern Slovenian coastal region since most of the production transmission of hydroelectric power plants of the river Soča goes through it. Due to worn-out electric power devices, the old juncture must be entirely renewed. Since the juncture is a very important electrical part of the Slovenian coastal region and includes transmission lines for Doblar, Anhovo and Nova Gorica, the construction required a lot of coordination between investors and users.

Deadline of the work: May 2019

Value of performed works: €1.5 million 

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