Eles Beričevo technology center

A new building will contain the center of maintenance of the network and shunting-transformer, support jobs in operation and other business activities of a company dedicated to the maintenance of the electric power system of the Republic of Slovenia. 

Eles Beričevo technology center

The cross section shows the design of the first phase of the Eles technology center. It is divided into the lower technology part for conference rooms, maintenance crews and a diagnostic- analytical center, and the upper business part for offices and technology premises. The first phase of the object comprises the construction of two dilatation units and is basically built as an RC-construction (reinforced concrete) made of horizontal plates, support pillars and two vertical RC-cores that ensure the suitable rigidity. The second phase of the Eles technology center includes the construction of a four-floor building: electrical installations on the ground floor, mechanical installations on the first floor. In the double-height room of the middle part in the third floor, there will be a national and regional management center, and a presentation room for visitors on the fourth floor. The first phase of the Eles Beričevo technology center is already finished; the second phase shall be an identical replication of all elements. Details, systems, materials, colors and surface treatment will be unified through their visual appearance. Phases 1 and 2 of the Eles Beričevo building are completely different in content and purpose. The first construction phase of the technology center was a classic business building with offices, but the second phase is intended for constructing a computer center with high-tech equipment for managing the energy network.

Deadline for completion of work: Phase 1: June 2018, Phase 2: second half of 2021

Contractual value: €43.5 million


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