The purpose of the project is the development of a new window system that will enable high energy savings for heating and cooling in the context of living comfort and mitigating climate change. The result will be an energy-efficient "double skin" window system for regulating thermal comfort - DSW+, which is based on the principles of industrial design, eco-design and circular business models.

The total value of the project in which participate Fragmat d.o.o., Kolektor Koling d.o.o. and Winteh d.o.o. amounts to 763,442.56 EUR. The amount of financing from the funds of the Recovery and Resilience Plan amounts to 299,989.68 EUR.
The project lasts from 1.1.2023 and ends on 31.12.2024.
By carrying out the project, we will develop a new product with the accumulation of solar energy and with a high efficiency of the glass surface.